Shotcrete vs. Gunite vs. Pump Casting vs. Casting – Misconceptions About Refractory Installation Methods

21 January 2014,

I’m amazed at how many times we’ve met with a potential client where another refractory contractor has told them something off the cuff like “you need to shotcrete this” or “you need to pump that” … without taking the time to actually go through the proper steps to evaluate the best method for the application. This usually happens because the…Read More ›

Situational Analysis: When Traditional Vibe-casting with Large Mixers Beats Pump Casting

14 January 2014,

Recently, we were asked to attend a pre-bid meeting for a secondary aluminum facility to discuss a project – a rebuild of the hearth, ramp and sill of an aluminum melt furnace. The purchasing department was leading the meeting, and they had already selected the refractory materials, defined the scope of work and listed all of the specifics of the…Read More ›

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